The Galen Books.
15/04/2015 09:01
Me and Noah are truely sorry to anyone that has been watching the site lately and there has been nothing posted letting you people know about the book process.
We have not been working on the books because of school and Noah has been having some personal issues at home.
I will not go into detail...
Previews and Books.
04/02/2015 13:31
We have decided not to do the previews and just to release the books when they are ready.
Sorry about the changes.
First Preview
26/03/2014 15:03
When i get a chance i will post the first preview on the website here in the news, blog, and homepage or just the homepage.
I will post it but it is not done being edited yet because I am still working on editing it and editing the 3rd and 4th preview too.
I will talk to you all later.
28/01/2014 09:57
There is a new photo in the photogallery.
If you wanna go check it out.
It is a background as was requested by the poll.
The poll will be reset
28/01/2014 09:56
There is a new poll in the blogs.
15/11/2013 10:23
There have been more blogs posted on the site.
If you would like you can go check them out.
second preview
05/11/2013 10:20
i have posted an article in the blogs about the second preview.
if you want to check it out go there.
Hint: the second preview is done.
Contact us.
04/11/2013 15:18
If you need to contact Austin then go to contact us.
Type in your name. (required).
Type in your email. (required).
Type in the subject. (not required).
Type in your message. (required).
book previews
07/10/2013 07:48
We are working on writing out the book previews now we should have them done and edited by the end of this year and we are making some changes to the books too.
I will keep in touch and when something changes the website will be updated by someone.
Remember read alot be more smart!!
noah and books
19/09/2013 21:18
sorry about the books and the book previews not being out yet we are having some problems with the previews and noah has family problems we will be getting the preview edited soon and then we will profread and then we will see if anyone wants to sell the books we are thinking about asking chapters...