Welcome to our website N & A books!

Hello,and welcome to N & A books. A website made to detail the books of three authors noah,luke,and thomas clitheroe.

The artist Austin Williams.

The main book writter: Noah.

Cousin of main author: Thomas (also an author).

brother of main author: Luke (also an author).

We hope you will follow us through time on our blog and we hope to hear from you soon and we will try to post a blog every week if we do not then we are probably busy or we are having technical difficulties with the site.

Thank you to all the supporters and helpers for your support.

Info for the website

This is where you can send us stuff about the webiste and we will answer you back asap.


What do you want to hear about next?

Gaian vultures (10)

City of gaia (8)

More about galen and maybe a picture of him shirtless (20)

About my day........ (9)

Total votes: 47


Do you like our website?

yes (25)

no (5)

50/50 (6)

needs inprovement (19)

sucks (6)

Total votes: 61


would you donate to us for support?

yes (23)

no (10)

It is a waste of money (8)

I dont care but i still will (6)

Total votes: 47


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book preview

29/08/2013 10:48
the book preview is being delayed for a while need to get it edited still and it should be out in...

first book preview

20/07/2013 22:44
the first book preview is done now it just needs to be sent to the publisher and edited by him and...


17/06/2013 13:24
noah posted the first poll and austin posted the second poll


11/06/2013 10:24
There will be more blogs coming soon and we hope that you enjoy them.

book one

09/06/2013 13:14
if you people want me to post the other rough drafts pics then message me at my email saying yes...

book one short description

01/06/2013 20:22
i personaly think that the first book description is kinda not short  at all i personaly think...

book one

31/05/2013 12:09
hello again. I suggest that you go look at the blog cause there is a short description of the first...

new info

23/05/2013 11:26
we added new photos of rough drafts to the photogallery you should go check it out

Website launched

08/05/2013 15:41
Our new website has been launched today. Tell your visitors why you have started a new...
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