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Gaian vultures (3)
City of gaia (6)
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Total votes: 20
publisher`s info
03/06/2013 13:19if you are a publisher pls contact us and if you do let us know the price that you will publish for and we will decide depending if we get one or more publisher(s) that message us if we even get any.
short description of galen
03/06/2013 13:09Hey it is us again wanted to tell you about the main book series character Galen.
Galen was born as a half angel half demon to the demon lord, Reqvic and the arch angel`s name is krista.
At the age of seven (7) Galen was forced to kill his parents to gain his ablitites.
Galen`s powers range from retractable wings and claws, to controling the elements of fire and ice and along with his skills of archery and swordsmanship make for a deadly combenation.
Hope that you enjoy the first book when it comes out and this give you a gist of what Galen can do.
Never underestimate the power that Galen can have.
01/06/2013 20:19hello.
we are currently trying to find a publisher for noah's new books and we may not get one for a while but we will let you know when we get close to getting one and we will let you know if we get a publisher and we will let you know about how much he wants when he publishes the books and we will get two ask and then you people can decide witch would be the best price depending on how good the book is.
ok well hope you enjoy the site and remember read alot be more smart!!
book one, short description.
28/05/2013 10:18Hey it is us again.
we wanted to give you a bit of a desc on book one.
so the main story of the book takes place with galen. A half angel a half demon hybrid.
As he explores his world with the gaian vultures (will explain in later blog).
And in search of adventure.
And that is our short description of the first book.
We will explain more later on as the time gets closer to it being published.
more info about characters will be comeing soon.
hope to talk to you all later and we hope that you will support us through time.
enjoy the books and site.
-Noah and Austin.
introduction from austin
10/05/2013 08:22hi my name is austin and I am the creator of the webstie and I just wanted to say hi and I hope that you follow us throught our time.
introduction from noah
08/05/2013 10:14Hey people if you don't know me I am noah I am the sites main author and will be doing alot of the blogs I just wanted to introduce myself. I am currently writting a five book series infact, the angel of the night there is a character of mine named galen and I will be talking about him in later blogs. Along with this series and hopefully you people will like it. I am also writting a book set in the american reveloution and even a sci-fi book but i'll get to those later. Well I hope you people will enjoy our site and i hope to hear from you soon.
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