
What do you want to hear about next

Gaian vultures (3)

City of gaia (6)

More about galen (7)

My day (4)

Total votes: 20


What kind of photos do you want to see next?

Galen (4)

Backgrounds (2)

Other (1)

Total votes: 7



28/01/2014 09:45

We will now be posting information when we have some more to post.

So if we have not posted any in a while that means we don't have any to give out yet.

Noah is still working on the book and I am still working on editing the previews.


14/11/2013 14:17

We need to know how many people are visting the website.

send us an email saying hi so we know hoe many poeple are on here.

i will be recording the email of who has sent us an email.

so i know that it is one person not you sending us multiple emails of the same person.

If you would like to add a message into the email you may.

Please tell your friends and family about this website.

- Austin & Noah


second preview

05/11/2013 10:17

I have finally finished editing the second preview and is now done.

I am working on editing the first preview.

I am also working on typing up the 3rd preview and should be done in a month or two.



16/10/2013 14:53

after a bit of time me and austin are glad to anounce we are back to updateing the website regularly since we have been working day and night to get things done along with the previews we also have some new images coming up also some character bios and all that stuff but we will be here and answering questions and accepting constructive criticism also "hint' "hint' we need some donation money so lets make it happen people because me and austin are broke and we need the money for the website so keep in touch - noah


16/10/2013 14:50

The first preview is almost done it is being edited and the second preview is being edited now and after that we will be working on the thrid preview and then the fourth and the fifth.

In the progress of that I will be posting some pictures tonight or tomorrow about some flags noah drew and ya.

bye everyone talk to you all later

We need ideas people

31/07/2013 14:48

o me and Austin are trying to improve the site so what we want from you guys is to 

A send us ideas

B tell your friends and family about us and

C maybe a bit of donation money hint hint

Also blogs will be short for augest for 2 reasons 1 I have things going on and 2 I'm working double time on the book in hopes of getting it done for the holidays so ya keep in touch -noah

Play set in the galen verse finnaly done

26/07/2013 04:09

or the past eight months I've been writing a play (more of a past time when I'm bored) which is set in the galen verse galen is the main character still but it is not a book adaptation more of a side Story set during between chapters 6 and 7 of the second book it is only about a hour and a half long the cast requires about 50 actors/actresses so ya good for me everyone deserves some cake but I don't have any also blogs will be abit short during the month of august 

- noah






Description of the city of gaia

11/07/2013 23:45

 so not the most original name but still


The city of gaia was formed in 603 oe ( orajic era) as a elven colony and lived in peace till the great war era when it was attacked by the masonic human empire who eventually captured the city and soon made it a military station after the fall of the masonic empire the city came under rule of a farming family in less than 100 years the city of gaia became a world power in agriculture in 605 agw the city of gaia began suffering from numerous raids the city was sold to militia leader averik goritashi who made gaia a military power gaia continues to remain a large military power 



Is that good enough people hope it is noah out

Short description of the gaian vultures

11/07/2013 23:33

Ey noah again after so long I have decided to write about the gaian vultures

Formed in 1252 by alister veturian as a group of rebels made to reclaim gaia from it leader emporer aluzard 

The gaian vultures consist of mostly civilians with few experienced warriors 

After losing countless battles with aluzard army alister had to resort to calling in his childhood friend galen 

So here's that short description also we are. Going to being selling previews soon 


short blog of sophia

05/06/2013 11:24

Hey it is austin and noah again we wanted to tell you a little about sophia.

Sophia was born and raised in the city of gaia to a wealthy family.

Sophia quickly learned that what she was taught was nothing but lies.

At the age of six (6) sophia ran away from her home after killing her mother and lived a life of a thief till the age of 14.

Till she was captured by the city guards and inprisoned.

As she awaited exicution, she was rescued by the newly fourmed gaian vultures.

And she eventualy joined them.

Hope that you follow us through the time that we are doing the books.



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